We don’t want to waste your time trying to arrange an interactive demo. So we made it easy for you to see what we have to offer in less than 5 minutes!!

On the demo site you will see sample use case that can be enabled by platform.

Problem Statement: As a Business user you want to know the journey of a prospect to date.

Questions you may have regarding a prospect:

  • Do I have a 360-degree view of every interaction the prospect had with us?
  • Did this prospect interact with the website?
  • How many times did the prospect attend an event or call us?
  • How many interactions did the prospect engage in?
  • What is the timeline?
  • What should I know before I talk to the prospect that will be important?

Demo Instructions:

Demo Site URL: https://journeyanalytics.netlify.app

Login using your Google Account or Microsoft Account

If you want to know what happens behind the scenes, reach out to us. We can get you started with a proof of concept immediately.

Please check the interactive demo to see how data changes based on selection and let us know what you would like to see more.